How we are making managing your trust easier at WM Law.


Following on from the recent reform in the law relating to trusts in New Zealand, Walker Murdoch Law has incorporated the use of CCH iTrust Management System into the way we efficiently manage trusts.

CCH iTrust Management system is a cloud-based trust management system, where we are able to provide and ensure better management of your trust and accessibility to records and documents.

Our clients can log into the system and access all documentation without the need to directly contact us, or visit the office.

The system has been specifically designed to streamline the administration and management of trusts. It allows those linked to the trust e.g trustees to access and download trust documents, resolutions, minutes, financial accounts, print a trust summary report, send a query via email directly to us from the portal and much more.

We believe that this system is the way forward with management of trusts and is an effective tool for ensuring compliance with legislation and proper trust management.

As a firm, we want to ensure your trust is properly and legally managed in order to achieve its goals with as little cost and hassle for you.

If you wish to discuss the recent changes to trust law in New Zealand or to discuss registration and transfer of your existing information into our system, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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